Passiveisation ndiyo core maitiro mukugadzirwa kweiyo yakamonera mhangura foil foil. Inoita se "molecular-level nhoo" pamusoro, inosimudzira kupokana nekora paunenge uchinyatso kuenderana nemhedzisiro yayo pazvinhu zvinotsoropodza sekudanana uye kuswededzwa. This article delves into the science behind ...
Vanobatana zvinhu zvakakosha mune zvemazuva ano zvigadzirwa zvemagetsi uye magetsi, kuona zvakavimbika zvemagetsi zvekutapurirana, kutumira kwemagetsi, uye kutendeka kwesina chiratidzo. With the growing demand for higher performance and miniaturization, connectors are increasingly critical acros...
Akakwirisa mhangura foil ndiyo indasitiri yeDunhu reMagetsi, uye kuchena kwemukati uye kuchena kwemukati kunosarudza kuvimbika kwesimba rekusaririra kwakadai sekuchinjika uye kuomarara kwekuchinjika. This article analyzes the mechanism by which degreasing treatment optimizes the per...
Kubatana kweTerminal kwakakosha zvinhu zvishandiso zvemagetsi, kuve nechokwadi chekubatanidza kwemagetsi ekutapurirana kwesimba, chiratidzo, uye chishandiso chekubatanidza. With increasing demands for high performance and compact designs in electronics, material selection for terminal connectors...
IGBT (INSTULED GARA BUPOLLATORTOR Turberistor) chinhu chakakosha muzvikamu zvemagetsi zvemagetsi zvemagetsi esimba mota (Nevs), zvakanyanyisa kushandurwa kwesimba uye kutonga. As a highly efficient semiconductor device, IGBT plays a critical role in vehicle efficiency and reliability. CIVEN METAL&#...
Lead frames are indispensable core materials in the modern electronics industry. Ivo vanoshandiswa zvakanyanya muMemiconductor Packaging, inobatanidza machipisi kumatunhu ekunze uye kuona kugadzikana uye kuvimbika kwemidziyo yemagetsi. From smartphones and household appliances to automotive electro...
Electrolytic nickel foil is a critical material characterized by excellent conductivity, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature stability. Yawana yakawandisa application muLithium-ion mabhatiri, zvigadzirwa zvemagetsi, hydrogen mafuta masero, uye aerospace, achishumira senheyo ye technolo ...
Muzvikumbiro zvakawanda zvemazuva ano, zvinhu zvakapfava zvakakosha kuti uwane kuchinjika, kuvimbika, uye kusimba kwemagetsi kubatana. Copper foil has emerged as the material of choice for flexible connections due to its excellent conductivity, malleability, and strength. CIVEN ME...
From November 12th to 15th, CIVEN METAL will participate in Electronica 2024 in Munich, Germany. Our booth will be located at Hall C6, Booth 221/9. Semumwe wevatungamiri wenyika anotungamira vezvivakwa zveashandirwi yemagetsi, magetsi anokwezva makambani epamusoro uye nyanzvi dzinobva kuGL ...
Pamusoro pekushandiswa kwayo ikozvino muAnodes of Simba mabhatiri, mhangura mhirizhonga inogona kunge iine zvimwe zvinoshandiswa mune zvemangwana sehunyanzvi hunofambira mberi uye tekinoroji inofambira mberi uye tekinoroji yebhatiri zvinoitika. Here are some potential future uses and developments: 1. Solid-State Batteries Current Collectors and Conductive Networks...
The annealing process of copper foil is an important step in the production of copper foil. Zvinosanganisira kupisa mhangudzo yemhangura kune imwe tembiricha, inoibata kwenguva, uye wozotidzora kuti ichivandudza chimiro chekristum uye chivakwa chemhangura foil. The main purpose of annealing ...
I. Ongorora uye Budiriro Nhoroondo yeChinyorwa Copper Copper Clad Laminet (FCCL) Inochinjika Midziyo Yemukati (FCCL FCCL was first introduced in the 1960s, initially used primarily ...