Ed Copper Hoils
Civen simbi specifically for the lithium battery manufacturing industry. Iyi yemagetsi yemhangura foil ine zvakanakira kuchena kwakanyanya, kusviba kwakaderera, kupedzisa kwakanaka, kuputika, kushushikana kwunifomu, uye kuwanda kuri nyore. Nekuchena kwakanyanya uye zviri nani hydrophic, iyo electrophilic foil yemabhatiri anokwanisa kuwedzera mari yekubhadhara uye nguva yekudzvinyirira uye inowedzera hupenyu hwekutenderera hwemabhatiri emabhatiri. Panguva imwe,Civen simbi
Civen simbi roughness and high peel strength. Iyo mhangura yakagadzirwa nemagetsi maitiro ine zvakanakira zvekuchena kwakanyanya, kusvibiswa kwakaderera, zvakanyatsojeka, flat board board chimiro, uye yakakura. The electrolytic copper foil can be better laminated with other materials after roughening on one side, and it is not easy to peel off.
electrolytic copper foil is a copper foil that has been roughened to varying degrees on both sides. Izvi zvinosimbisa simba re peel yemativi ese emapepa emhangura, zvichiita kuti zvive nyore kushandisa seyakagwinya denderedzwa rekubatanidza kune zvimwe zvinhu. Moreover, the different levels of treatment on both sides of the copper foil make it easier to etch the thinner side of the roughened layer. In the process of making a printed circuit board (PCB) panel, the treated side of the copper is applied to the dielectric material. The treated drum side is rougher than the other side, which constitutes a greater adhesion to the dielectric. This is the main advantage over standard electrolytic copper. The matte side does not require any mechanical or chemical treatment prior to the application of photoresist. It is already rough enough to have good laminating resist adhesion.
Copper foil zvimwe Copper foils. At the same time, the surface finish and fineness of the copper foil is better and the folding resistance isbetter than similar copper foil products. Sezvo iyi fop pure foil yakavakirwa pamagetsi ezvemagetsi, haina mafuta, iyo inoita kuti zvive nyore kusanganiswa nezvinhu zveTPI pakuzvidziya kwakanyanya.
Civen simbi Kwete chete magetsi akanaka chete nekuda kwekuchena kwakanyanya kwemhangura, asi zvakare zviri nyore kuEtch uye anogona kuita kuti nhofisi quetromagnetic uye microwave kupindira. Maitiro eElectrolytic kugadzirwa kunobvumidza kuwanda kwehupamhi hwe1.2 metres kana kupfuura The copper foil itself has a very flat shape and can be perfectly molded to other materials. Iyo mhangura iyo mhirizhonga zvakare inodzivirira kune yakanyanya-tembiricha uye corrosion, ichiita kuti ive yakakodzera kushandiswa munzvimbo dzine hutsinye kana zvigadzirwa zvine hupenyu hwakasimba